
El 27 de enero de 1945 tropas soviéticas llegaron al campo de exterminio de Auschwitz
Bienvenidos al nuevo sitio del Centro de Documentación y difusión Jaim Finkelstein.
"Jamás han estado de moda desde que Dios los abandonó". Esa es la primera oración de "Memoire sur les Juifs", escrita por el príncipe de Ligne, el del legendario ingenio, en 1801, y al leerla resulta difícil....
Hagamos juntos un pequeño ejercicio de memoria. ¿Recuerda Ud. cuántas instituciones educativas de la Red Escolar Judía cerraron sus puertas en curso de los últimos años?.......
Hasta 1879, el odio hacia los judíos no tenía siquiera un nombre especial. Ese año un tal Wilhelm Marr acuñó el término "antisemitismo" a fin de quitarle al fenómeno de toda connotación religiosa. El panfleto escrito por Marr que se llamaba "La victoria del judaísmo sobre el germanismo considerada desde un punto de vista no-religioso", proponía.....
Borges llegó a afirmar, parafraseando a Paul Valéry (1871-1945), que la Historia de la literatura podría escribirse sin mencionar a un solo autor; debería ser la Historia del Espíritu como productor y consumidor de literatura.....
Alguna vez he escrito que el objetivo estratégico del terrorismo no es, en primera instancia, matar mucho, sino matar mucho para poder socializar el terror. A partir del momento en que el miedo se instala en el seno de una sociedad democrática,.......
La Argentina sufre el triste privilegio de ser el primer país del continente americano víctima del terrorismo suicida. Diez años antes del ataque a las Torres Gemelas de Nueva York, hicieron volar la embajada de Israel en Buenos Aires.....

Premios Nóbel - Estadísticas Interesantes

Artículo de Einstein - 1924.




Los musulmanes superan el total de 1.200,000,000... Aproximadamente "
20% de la población del mundo... y han ganado los siguientes Premios Nóbel:

1988 - Najib Mahfooz

1978 - Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat
1994 - Yaser Arafat

1990 - Elias James Corey
1999 - Ahmed Zewail

1960 - Peter Brian Medawar
1998 - Ferid Mourad

         ---------------------------------------SIETE en total----------------------------- 

Los judíos son unos 14,000,000 en todo el mundo, aproximadamente
0.02% de la población mundial... y han ganado los siguientes Premios Nóbel:

         -------------------------CIENTO CUARENTA Y OCHO-----------------------

Jewish Laureates of Nobel Prize in Biomedical Sciences

Year     Nobel Laureate                                                     Country of birth

1908     Ehrlich, Paul
            "for their work on immunity"                                    Germany

1908     Mechnikov, Elie
            "for their work on immunity"                                    Russia

1914     Barany, Robert
            "for his work on the physiology and            
            pathology of the vestibular apparatus"                      Austria

1922     Meyerhof, Otto Fritz
            "for his discovery of the fixed relationship            
            between the consumption of  oxygen and the            
            metabolism of lactic acid in the muscle"                  Germany

1930     Landsteiner, Karl
            "for his discovery of human blood groups"                 Austria

1936     Loewi, Otto
            "for their discoveries relating to chemical            
            transmission of nerve impulses"                               Austria

1944     Erlanger, Joseph
            "for their discoveries relating to the highly            
            differentiated functions of single nerve fibers"             USA

1945     Chain, Ernst Boris
            "for the discovery of penicillin and its curative 
            effect in various infectious diseases"                         Germany

1946    Muller, Hermann J.
           "for the discovery of the production of
           mutations by means of X-ray irradiation"                     USA

1947    Cori, Gerty Theresa, Radnitz
           "for their discovery of the course of the
           catalytic conversion of glycogen"                                Czech Republic

1950    Reichstein, Tadeus
           "for their discoveries relating to the hormones
           of the adrenal cortex, their structure and
           biological effects"                                                      Poland

1952    Waksman, Selman A.
           "for his discovery of streptomycin, the first
           antibiotic effective against tuberculosis"                       Russia

1953    Krebs, Hans Adolf
           "for his discovery of the citric acid cycle"                     Germany

1953    Lipmann, Fritz Albert
           "for his discovery of co-enzyme A and its
           importance for intermediary metabolism"                     Germany

1958    Lederberg, Joshua
           "for his discoveries concerning genetic
           recombination and the organization of the
           genetic material of bacteria"                                       USA

1959    Kornberg, Arthur
           "for their discovery of the mechanisms in the
           biological synthesis of ribonucleic acid and
           deoxyribonucleic acid"                                               USA

1964    Bloch, Konrad
           "for their discoveries concerning the mechanism
           and regulation of the cholesterol and fatty acid
           metabolism"                                                              Germany

1965    Jacob, Francois
           "for their discoveries concerning genetic control
           of enzyme and virus synthesis"                                   France

1965    Lwoff, Andre
           "for their discoveries concerning genetic
           control of enzyme and virus synthesis"                        France

1967    Wald, George
           "for their discoveries concerning the primary
           physiological and chemical visual processes in
           the eye"                                                                    USA

1968    Nirenberg, Marshall W.
           "for their interpretation of the genetic code
           and its function in protein synthesis"                            USA

1969    Luria, Salvador E.
           "for their discoveries concerning the replication
           mechanism and the genetic structure of viruses"           Italy

1970    Axelrod, Julius
           "for their discoveries concerning the humoral 
           transmitters in the nerve terminals and the mechanism
           for their storage, release and inactivation"                     USA

1970    Katz, Bernard
           "for their discoveries concerning the humoral
           transmitters in the nerve terminals and the mechanism
           for their storage, release and inactivation"                     Germany

1972    Edelman, Gerald M.
           "for their discoveries concerning the chemical
           structure of antibodies"                                                USA

1975    Baltimore, David
           "for their discoveries concerning the interaction
           between tumor viruses and the genetic material
           of the cell"                                                                  USA

1975    Temin, Howard M.
           "for their discoveries concerning the interaction
           between tumor viruses and the genetic material
           of the cell"                                                                   USA

1976    Blumberg, Baruch S.
           "for their discoveries concerning new
           mechanisms for the origin and dissemination
           of infectious diseases"                                                  USA

1977    Schally, Andrew V.
           "for their discoveries concerning the peptide
           hormone production of the brain"                                    Poland

1977    Yalow, Rosalyn
           "for the development of radioimmunoassays
           of peptide hormones"                                                    USA

1978    Nathans, Daniel
           "for the discovery of restriction enzymes and
           their application to problems of molecular genetics"         USA

1980    Benacerraf, Baruj
           "for their discoveries concerning genetically
           determined structures on the cell surface that 
           regulate immunological reactions"                                  Venezuela

1984    Milstein, Cesar
           "for theories concerning the specificity in
           development and control of the immune system
           and the discovery of the principle for production
           of monoclonal antibodies"                                              Argentina

1985    Brown, Michael S.
           "for their discoveries concerning the regulation
           of cholesterol metabolism"                                             USA

1985    Goldstein, Joseph L.
           "for their discoveries concerning the regulation
           of cholesterol metabolism"                                             USA

1986    Cohen, Stanley
           "for their discoveries of growth factors"                            USA

1986    Levi-Montalcini, Rita
           "for their discoveries of growth factors"                            Italy

1988    Elion, Gertrude B.
           "for their discoveries of important principles
           for drug treatment"                                                        USA

1989    Varmus, Harold E.
           "for their discovery of the cellular origin of
           retroviral oncogenes"                                                     USA

1994    Gilman, Alfred G.
           "for their discovery of G-proteins and the role
           of these proteins in signal transduction in cells"               USA

1994    Rodbell, Martin
           "for their discovery of G-proteins and the role
           of these proteins in signal transduction in cells"               USA

1997    Prusiner, Stanley B.
           "for his discovery of Prions - a new biological
           principle of infection"                                                      USA

1998    Furchgott, Robert F.
           "for their discoveries concerning nitric oxide as
           a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system"           USA

2000    Greengard, Paul
           "signal transduction in the nervous system"                      USA

2000    Kandel, Eric R.
           "signal transduction in the nervous system"                      Austria

2002    Brenner, Sydney
           "for their discoveries concerning genetic regulation
           of organ development and programmed cell death"            South Africa

2002    Horvitz, H. Robert
           "for their discoveries concerning genetic regulation
           of organ development and programmed cell death"            USA

2004    Axel, Richard
           "for their discoveries of odorant receptors and the
           organization of the olfactory system"                                USA

Total number of Jewish Laureates: 48

Jewish Laureates of Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Year     Nobel Laureate                                                         Country of birth 

1905     von Baeyer, J. F. W. Adolf           
            "for his services in the advancement of organic
            chemistry and the chemical industry, through his
            work on organic dyes and hydroaromatic compounds"       Germany

1906    Moissan, Henri
           "for his investigation and isolation of the element 
           fluorine, and for the adoption in the service of science
           of the electric furnace called after him"                               France

1910    Wallach, Otto
           "for his pioneer work in the field of alicyclic
           compounds"                                                                     Germany

1915    Willstatter, Richard M.
           "for his researches on plant pigments, especially
           chlorophyll"                                                                       Germany

1918    Haber, Fritz
           "for the synthesis of ammonia from its elements"                 Germany

1943    de Hevesy, George
           "for his work on the use of isotopes as tracers in
            the study of chemical processes"                                      Hungary

1961    Calvin, Melvin
           "for his research on the carbon dioxide assimilation
           in plants"                                                                          USA

1962    Perutz, Max F.
           "for their studies of the structures of globular
           proteins"                                                                           Austria

1972    Anfinsen, Christian B.
           "for his work on ribonuclease, especially concerning
           the connection between the amino acid sequence and
           the biologically active conformation"                                    USA

1972    Stein, William H.
           "for their contribution to the understanding of the
           connection between chemical structure and catalytic
           activity of the active center of the ribonuclease
           molecule"                                                                          USA

1977    Prigogine, Ilya
           "for his contributions to non-equilibrium
           thermodynamics, particularly the theory of
           dissipative structures"                                                         Russia

1979    Brown, Herbert C.
           "for their development of the use of boron-and 
           phosphorus-containing compounds, respectively,
           into important reagents in organic synthesis"                        Ukraine

1980    Berg, Paul
           "for his fundamental studies of the biochemistry
           of nucleic acids, with particular regard to
           recombinant-DNA"                                                              USA

1980    Gilbert, Walter
           "for their contributions concerning the determination
           of base sequences in nucleic acids"                                     USA

1981    Hoffmann, Roald
           "for their theories, developed independently,
           concerning the course of chemical reactions"                        Poland

1982    Klug, Aaron
           "for his development of crystallographic electron 
           microscopy and his structural elucidation of biologically
           important nucleic acid-protein complexes"                             Lithuania

1985    Hauptman, Herbert A.
           "for their development of direct methods for the 
           determination of crystal structures"                                       USA

1985    Karle, Jerome
           "for their development of direct methods for the
           determination of crystal structures"                                       USA

1989    Altman, Sidney
           "for their discovery of catalytic properties of RNA"                  Canada

1992    Marcus, Rudolph A.
           "for his contributions to the theory of electron 
           transfer reactions in chemical systems"                                Canada

1994    Olah, George A.
           "for his contribution to carbocation chemistry"                        Hungary

1998    Kohn, Walter
           "for his development of the density-
           functional theory"                                                                 Austria

2000    Heeger, Alan J.
           "for the discovery and development of conductive
           polymers"                                                                            USA

2004    Ciechanover, Aaron
           "for the discovery of ubiquitin-mediated protein
           degradation"                                                                         Israel

2004    Hershko, Avram
           "for the discovery of ubiquitin-mediated protein
           degradation"                                                                         Hungary

2004    Rose, Irwin
           "for the discovery of ubiquitin-mediated protein
           degradation"                                                                         USA

Total number of Jewish Laureates: 26

Jewish Laureates of Nobel Prize in Economics 

Year     Nobel Laureate                                                            Country of birth

1970    Samuelson, Paul A.
           "for the scientific work through which he has
           developed static and dynamic economic theory and
           actively contributed to raising the level of analysis in
           economic science"                                                                  USA

1971    Kuznets, Simon
           "for his empirically founded interpretation of economic
           growth which has led to new and deepened insight into
           the economic and social structure and process of
           development"                                                                          USA

1972    Arrow, Kenneth J.
           "for their pioneering contributions to general
           economic equilibrium theory and welfare theory"                         USA

1973    Leontief, Wassily
           "for the development of the input-output method and
           for its application to important economic problems"                     Russia

1975    Kantorovich, Leonid V.
           "for their contributions to the theory of optimum
           allocation of resources"                                                             Russia

1976    Friedman, Milton
"for his achievements in the fields of consumption
           analysis, monetary history and theory and for his
           demonstration of the complexity of stabilization   
           policy"                                                                                     USA 

1978    Simon, Herbert A.
           "for his pioneering research into the decision-making
           process within economic organizations"                                      USA 

1980    Klein, Lawrence R.
           "for the creation of econometric models and the
           application to the analysis of economic fluctuations
           and economic policies"                                                              USA 

1985    Modigliani, Franco
           "for his pioneering analyses of saving and of
           financial markets"                                                                      Italy 

1987    Solow, Robert M.
           "for his contributions to the theory of economic growth"                 USA

1990    Markowitz, Harry M.
           "for their pioneering work in the theory of financial economics"        USA

1990    Miller, Merton H.
           "for their pioneering work in the theory of financial economics"        USA

1992    Becker, Gary S.
           "for having extended the domain of microeconomic
           analysis to a wide range of human behavior and interaction, 
           including nonmarket behavior"                                                      USA

1993    Fogel, Robert W.
           "for having renewed research in economic history by 
           applying economic theory and quantitative methods in
           order to explain economic and institutional change”                        USA

1994    Harsanyi, John C.
           "for their pioneering analysis of equilibria in the 
           theory of non-cooperative games"                                                 Hungary

1997    Scholes, Myron S.
           "for a new method to determine the value of
           derivatives "                                                                                Canada

2001    Akerlof, George A.
           "for their analyses of markets with asimmetric information               USA

2001    Stiglitz, Joseph E.
           "for their analyses of markets with asymmetric information"             USA

2002    Kahneman, Daniel
           "for having integrated insights from psychological
           research into economic science, especially concerning
           human judgment and decision-making under uncertainty"                Israel

Total number of Jewish Laureates: 19

Jewish Laureates of Nobel Prize in Physics 

Year     Nobel Laureate                                                                     Country of birth

1907    Michelson, Albert A.
           "for his optical precision instruments and the spectroscopic
           and metrological investigations carried out with their aid"                 Poland

1908    Lippmann, Gabriel
           "for his method of reproducing colors photographically
           based on the phenomenon of interference"                                     Luxembourg

1921    Einstein, Albert
           "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially
           for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect"                     Germany

1922    Bohr, Niels
           "for his services in the investigation of the structure 
           of atoms and of the radiation emanating from them"                        Denmark

1925    Franck, James
           "for their discovery of the laws governing the impact
           of an electron upon an atom"                                                        Germany

1943    Stern, Otto
           "for his contribution to the development of the 
           molecular ray method and his discovery of the
           magnetic moment of the proton"                                                   Germany

1944    Rabi, Isidor Isaac
           "for his resonance method for recording the magnetic
           properties of atomic nuclei"                                                          Austria

1945    Pauli, Wolfgang
           "for the discovery of the Exclusion Principle,
           also called the Pauli Principle"                                                     Austria

1952    Bloch, Felix
           "for their development of new methods for nuclear
           magnetic precision measurements and discoveries
           in connection therewith"                                                              Switzerland

1954    Born, Max
           "for his fundamental research in quantum mechanics,
           especially for his statistical interpretation of thewave
           function"                                                                                    Poland

1958    Frank, Il'ja M.
           "for the discovery and the interpretation of the Cherenkov effect"      Russia 

1958    Tamm, Igor Y.
           "for the discovery and the interpretation of the Cherenkov effect"      Russia

1959    Segre, Emilio Gino
           "for their discovery of the antiproton"                                             Italy 

1960    Glaser, Donald A.
           "for the invention of the bubble chamber"                                       USA

1961    Hofstadter, Robert
           "for his pioneering studies of electron scattering in
           atomic nuclei and for his thereby achieved discoveries
           concerning the structure of the nucleons"                                      USA

1962    Landau, Lev D.
           "for his pioneering theories for condensed matter, 
           especially liquid helium"                                                               Azerbaijan 

1963    Wigner, Eugene P.
           "for his contributions to the theory of the atomic
           nucleus and the elementary particles, particularly 
           through the discovery and application of fundamental
           symmetry principles"                                                                   Hungary

1965    Feynman, Richard P.
           "for their fundamental work in quantum electrodynamics,
           with deep-ploughing consequences for the physics
           of elementary particles"                                                                USA

1965    Schwinger, Julian
           "for their fundamental work in quantum electrodynamics,   
           with deep-ploughing consequences for the physics
           of elementary particles"                                                                USA

1967    Bethe, Hans A.
           "for his contributions to the theory of nuclear reactions,
           especially his discoveries concerning the energy
           production in stars"                                                                      USA

1969    Gell-Mann, Murray
           "for his contributions and discoveries concerning 
           the classification of elementary particles and their interactions"        USA

1971    Gabor, Dennis
           "for his invention and development of the holographic method"          Hungary

1972    Cooper, Leon N.
           "for their jointly developed theory of superconductivity, 
           usually called the BCS-theory"                                                      USA 

1973    Josephson, Brian D.
           "for his theoretical predictions of the properties
           of a supercurrent through a tunnel barrier, in particular
           those phenomena which are generally known as the
           Josephson effects"                                                                       UK

1975    Mottelson, Ben Roy
           "for the discovery of the connection between collective
           motion and particle motion in atomic nuclei and the
           development of the theory of the structure of the atomic
           nucleus based on this connection"                                                USA

1976    Richter, Burton
"for their pioneering work in the discovery of a heavy
           elementary particle of a new kind"                                                  USA

1978    Penzias, Arno A.
           "for their discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation"         Germany

1979    Glashow, Sheldon L.
           "for their contributions to the theory of the unified
           weak and electromagnetic interaction between
           elementary particles, including inter alia the prediction
           of the weak neutral current"                                                           USA

1979    Weinberg, Steven
           "for their contributions to the theory of the unified weak
           and electromagnetic interaction between elementary 
           particles, including inter alia the prediction of the
           weak neutral current"                                                      USA                                          

1988    Lederman, Leon M.
           "for the neutrino beam method and the demonstration
           of the doublet structure of the leptons through the
           discovery of the muon neutrino"                                                      USA

1988    Schwartz, Melvin
           "for the neutrino beam method and the demonstration
           of the doublet structure of the leptons through the
           discovery of the muon neutrino"                                                      USA 

1988    Steinberger, Jack
           "for the neutrino beam method and the demonstration
           of the doublet structure of the leptons through 
           the discovery of the muon neutrino"                                                Germany 

1990    Friedman, Jerome I.
           "for their pioneering investigations concerning deep
           inelastic scattering of electrons on protons and bound
           neutrons, which have been of essential importance
           for the development of the quark model in
           particle physics"                                                                           USA

1992    Charpak, Georges
           "for his invention and development of particle detectors,
           in particular the multiwire proportional chamber"                               Poland

1995    Perl, Martin L.
           "for the discovery of the tau lepton "                                                Russia

1995    Reines, Frederick
           "for the detection of the neutrino"                                                    USA

1996    Lee, David M.
           "for their discovery of superfluidity in helium-3"                                 USA 

1997    Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude
           "for development of methods to cool and trap
           atoms with laser light"                                                                   Algeria

2000    Alferov, Zhores I.
           "for basic work on information and communication technology"         Russia

2003    Abrikosov, Alexei A.
           "for pioneering contributions to the theory of superconductors
           and superfluids"                                                                            Russia

2003    Ginzburg, Vitaly L.
           "for pioneering contributions to the theory of
           superconductors and superfluids"                                                   Russia

2004    Gross, David J.
           "for the discovery of asymptotic freedom in the
           theory of the strong interaction"                                                      USA

2004    Politzer, H. David
           "for the discovery of asymptotic freedom in the
           theory of the strong interaction"                                                      USA

Total number of Jewish Laureates: 43

Jewish Laureates of Nobel Prize in Literature

Year     Nobel Laureate                                                                             Country of birth

1910    Heyse, Paul
           "as a tribute to the consummate artistry, permeated 
           with idealism, which he has demonstrated during his
           long productive career as a lyric poet, dramatist,
           novelist and writer of world-renowned short stories"                           Germany

1927    Bergson, Henri
           "in recognition of his rich and vitalizing ideas and the
           brillant skill with which they have been presented"                             France

1958    Pasternak, Boris L.
           "for his important achievement both in contemporary lyrical
           poetry and in the field of the great Russian epic tradition"                   Russia

1966    Agnon, Shmuel Yosef
           "for his profoundly characteristic narrative art
           with motifs from the life of the Jewish people"                                    Ukraine

1966    Sachs, Nelly
           "for her outstanding lyrical and dramatic writing,
           which interprets Israel's destiny with touching strength"                     Germany 

1976    Bellow, Saul
           "for the human understanding and subtle analysis
           of contemporary culture that are combined in his work"                      Canada

1978    Singer, Isaac Bashevis
           "for his impassioned narrative art which, with roots 
           in a Polish-Jewish cultural tradition, brings universal
           human conditions to life"                                                                  Poland

1981    Canetti, Elias
           "for writings marked by a broad outlook, a wealth
           of ideas and artistic power"                                                               Bulgaria

1987    Brodsky, Joseph
           "for an all-embracing authorship, imbued with clarity
           of thought and poetic intensity"                                                          Russia 

1991    Gordimer, Nadine
           "who through her magnificent epic writing has –
           in the words of Alfred Nobel - been of very great benefit to humanity"     South Africa

2002    Kertesz, Imre
           "for writing that upholds the fragile experience
           of the individual against the barbaric arbitrariness of history"                 Hungary

Total number of Jewish Laureates: 11


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